A curated catalogue of human genomic structural variation

Download Data

The contents of the Database of Genomic Variants can be downloaded as tab delimited text files. The first line of each file is the column description. Each variant is provided with an accession which is a stable identifier and will remain constant. Studies where CNV coordinates are based on the NCBI 36 (hg18) assembly are not mapped back to older builds. The Build 35 download file will therefore contain less data than the Build 36 download file.

We have provided three categories of files for users to download. The first set of files, contained in the "DGV variants" section, represents the data that is displayed in our primary DGV structural variants track. The second set of files, in the "Supporting Variants" section, are the sample level and supporting variants that are displayed in our Supporting Variants track. The last section is the "Filtered Variants" files. These are variants that have been removed from the database following our curation process.

Note that for the DGV Variants and Supporting Variants sections, a new file has been made available under the "Other Mappings" column. These files contain those variants that do not map to the reference assembly but instead to an alternate sequence/contig assembly.

DGV Variants

Release DateBuild 36 (hg18)GRCh 37 (hg19)Other Mappings

Supporting Variants

Release DateBuild 36 (hg18)GRCh 37 (hg19)Other Mappings

Filtered Variants

Release DateGFF3 File

Old versions (note that each file contains both DGV Variants and Supporting Variants)

Release DateBuild 36 (hg18)GRCh 37 (hg19)Other Mappings

Studies included in DGV2 and links to the original data

The table below outlines the studies that have been used as sources for the data and the number of regions included from each study. Here you can also download the original dataset for all studies.

Display NamePyearRegionsPubmed IdReference AssemblyLinkCuration Comments

Hosted by The Centre for Applied Genomics
Grant support for DGV
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