DECIPHER: DatabasE of Chromosomal Imbalance and Phenotype in Humans using Ensembl Resources.
HapMap Project: a multi-country effort to identify and catalog genetic similarities and differences in human beings.
dbRIP: a database of human Retrotransposon Insertion Polymorphisms (RIPs).
Human Structural Variation Database: A catalogue of human genomic polymorphisms ascertained by experimental and computational analyses.
The Chromosome Anomaly Collection: This Collection contains examples of unbalanced chromosome abnormalities (UBCAs) without phenotypic effect.
CHOP CNV Database: A database showing CNVs called from Illumina BeadArray data generated at the Children's Hospital Of Philadelphia.
ECARUCA: A European database that collects cytogenetic and clinical data of rare chromosomal aberrations from all (cyto)genetic centres that are member of the European Cytogeneticists Association (ECA).