
Segmental duplications (interchromosomal and intrachromosomal) are stretches of DNA that are at least 1000 bases in length and share a sequence identity of at least 90%. Click on the bar to link to the related duplication. The colours represent the level of similarity between duplications, where red-99 - 100%, purple - 96 - 98.99%, green - 93 - 95.99%, and blue - 90 - 92.99%. Segments of DNA with near-identical sequence (segmental duplications or duplicons) in the human genome can be hot spots or predisposition sites for the occurrence of non-allelic homologous recombination or unequal crossing-over leading to genomic mutations such as deletion, duplication, inversion or translocation. These structural alterations, in turn, can cause dosage imbalance of genetic material or lead to the generation of new gene products resulting in diseases defined as genomic disorders. The data was downloaded from the UCSC genome browser, and was originally provided by Ginger Cheng, Xinwei She and Evan Eichler at the University of Washington. For more information on how the data was generated see, Bailey JA, Yavor AM, Massa HF, Trask BJ, Eichler EE. Segmental duplications: organization and impact within the current human genome project assembly. /Genome Res./ 2001 Jun;11(6):1005-17. Last Download from Source: 2011/10/19