A curated catalogue of human genomic structural variation

Variant Details

Variant: esv2758796

Internal ID9634255
Location Information
TypeCoordinatesAssemblyOther Links
Innerchr20:46064276..46336238hg38UCSC Ensembl
Innerchr20:44692915..44964876hg19UCSC Ensembl
Innerchr20:44126322..44398283hg18UCSC Ensembl
Innerchr20:44126322..44398283hg17UCSC Ensembl
Allele length
AssemblyAllele length
Variant TypeCNV loss
Copy Number
Allele State
Allele Origin
Probe Count
Validation Flag
Merged StatusM
Merged Variants
Supporting Variantsesv2758521
SamplesNA12717, NA19222, NA11830, NA19204, NA18861, NA18508, NA12814, NA18855, NA19145, NA18545, NA18504, NA12248, NA12865, NA10857, NA18870, NA18633, NA12750, NA07357, NA18969, NA18967, NA18563, NA19192, NA19171, NA18940, NA19201, NA10835, NA10846, NA18995, NA12802, NA18635, NA18558, NA18547, NA11992, NA18571, NA18964, NA18949, NA18970, NA07019, NA12156, NA19137, NA11994, NA19207, NA19172, NA19128, NA18966, NA19159, NA19209, NA18975, NA19200, NA11993, NA10847, NA18951, NA12760, NA12752, NA19194, NA12753, NA10863, NA19161, NA18859, NA19205, NA18637, NA18579, NA18871, NA18976, NA18981, NA12234, NA19208, NA19221, NA19202, NA18537, NA18573, NA19142, NA10830, NA12056, NA18912, NA12892, NA19154, NA12239, NA18853, NA19099, NA18555, NA06985, NA18523, NA19160, NA18570, NA18858, NA19094, NA18914, NA19206, NA18542, NA06991, NA18961, NA18863, NA19140, NA18913, NA19100, NA07348, NA19143, NA18501, NA19173, NA19211, NA18636, NA18500, NA18609, NA18506, NA19102, NA18854, NA18872, NA18852, NA07056, NA18505, NA18968, NA12006, NA18623, NA12154, NA07034, NA11832, NA18620
Known GenesCD40, CDH22, NCOA5
MethodBAC aCGH
AnalysisArray images were acquired using an Agilent laser scanner (Agilent Technologies, UK). Fluorescence intensities and log2 ratio values were extracted using Bluefuse software (Bluegnome Ltd).
Pubmed ID17122850
Accession Number(s)esv2758796
Sample Size270
Observed Gain0
Observed Loss118
Observed Complex0

Hosted by The Centre for Applied Genomics
Grant support for DGV
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