A curated catalogue of human genomic structural variation

Variant Details

Variant: essv3847

Internal ID9625359
Location Information
TypeCoordinatesAssemblyOther Links
Innerchr6:160039050..160610686hg38UCSC Ensembl
Outerchr6:160011299..160649838hg38UCSC Ensembl
Innerchr6:160460082..161031718hg19UCSC Ensembl
Outerchr6:160432331..161070870hg19UCSC Ensembl
Innerchr6:160380072..160951708hg18UCSC Ensembl
Outerchr6:160352321..160990860hg18UCSC Ensembl
Innerchr6:160430493..161002129hg17UCSC Ensembl
Outerchr6:160402742..161041281hg17UCSC Ensembl
Allele length
AssemblyAllele length
Variant TypeCNV gain
Copy Number
Allele State
Allele Origin
Probe Count
Validation Flag
Merged StatusS
Merged Variantsesv2757197
Supporting Variants
Known GenesIGF2R, LOC729603, LPA, LPAL2, SLC22A1, SLC22A2, SLC22A3
MethodSNP array
AnalysisThe algorithm used to call CNVs using the 500K EA platform was developed to accurately define CNV regions using a large set of reference samples and is described in detail in a separate publication (Komura 2006). The algorithm contains three major parts: 1) Intensity pre-processing using an improved version of Genomic Imbalance Map (GIM) (Ishikawa et al. 2005), including probe selection, noise reduction, normalization, and intensity ratio adjustment based on affinity differences between alleles of a SNP, 2) CNV extraction, which identifies CNVs from all pair-wise comparisons using a modified SW-ARRAY, and 3) A copy number inference step which utilizes signal ratios and SNP information to more precisely define CNV boundaries and the copy number within each region.
PlatformAffymetrix GeneChip Early Access Mapping 500K Set Array (250K_Nsp_SNP)
Pubmed ID17122850
Accession Number(s)essv3847
Sample Size270
Observed Gain1
Observed Loss0
Observed Complex0

Hosted by The Centre for Applied Genomics
Grant support for DGV
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