A curated catalogue of human genomic structural variation

Variant Details

Variant: dgv97n17

Internal ID20131663
Location Information
TypeCoordinatesAssemblyOther Links
chr4:106130950..106143190hg38UCSC Ensembl
chr4:107052107..107064347hg19UCSC Ensembl
chr4:107271556..107283796hg18UCSC Ensembl
chr4:107510927..107523167hg16UCSC Ensembl
Allele length
AssemblyAllele length
Variant TypeCNV loss
Copy Number
Allele State
Allele Origin
Probe Count
Validation Flag
Merged StatusM
Merged Variants
Supporting Variantsnsv437410, nsv437409
SamplesNA18863, NA19139
Known GenesTBCK
MethodSNP array
AnalysisOur algorithm aims to detect deletions that are transmitted from a hemizygous parent to a child. For each trio, every SNP was coded into one of seven categories: (A) Type I mendelian incompatibility (that is, consistent with deletion) involving mother; (B) Type I mendelian incompatibility involving father; (C) Type II mendelian incompatibility (that is, inconsistent with deletion); (D) child homozygous or missing data, both parents homozygous or missing data; (E) child homozygous or missing data, father heterozygous, mother homozygous or missing data; (F) child homozygous or missing data, mother heterozygous, father homozygous or missing data; (G) child heterozygous or both parents heterozygous (see Supplementary Methods for further details). SNPs were assigned to states D-G only if they did not contain mendelian incompatibilities. A run of consecutive SNPs in a particular trio was considered to be consistent with a maternal transmitted deletion if all SNPs were in states A, D or E, or with a paternal deletion if all SNPs were in states B, D or F.
PlatformNot reported
Pubmed ID16327808
Accession Number(s)dgv97n17
Sample Size60
Observed Gain0
Observed Loss2
Observed Complex0

Hosted by The Centre for Applied Genomics
Grant support for DGV
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