A curated catalogue of human genomic structural variation

Variant Details

Variant: dgv508e212

Internal ID20148964
Location Information
TypeCoordinatesAssemblyOther Links
chr12:100027625..100034552hg38UCSC Ensembl
chr12:100421403..100428330hg19UCSC Ensembl
Allele length
AssemblyAllele length
Variant TypeCNV loss
Copy Number
Allele State
Allele Origin
Probe Count
Validation Flag
Merged StatusM
Merged Variants
Supporting Variantsesv3580424, esv3580423
Samples400359OR, 401052BM, 401498HH, 401899MB, 401281BP, 400033KC, 400375KA, 400082SD, 401513KC, 400800MW, 401017SC, 401812HG, 401200BD, 400354TJ, 401438HT
Known Genes
MethodSNP array
AnalysisWe used four separate algorithms to detect CNVs; Affymetrix Chromosome Analysis Suite (ChAS), iPattern, Nexus and Partek. Our primary analysis was performed based on ChAS CNV calls, which were then supported using the remaining three algorithms to construct a confidence set of CNVs. For all algorithms, we have used 8 probes and >1kb as a base line cutoff for CNV detection.
PlatformAffymetrix CytoScan HD 2.7M array
Pubmed ID25503493
Accession Number(s)dgv508e212
Sample Size873
Observed Gain0
Observed Loss15
Observed Complex0

Hosted by The Centre for Applied Genomics
Grant support for DGV
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